Renting Out a Flat/Bedroom
The Home Ownership Scheme provides flats for you and your family to reside in, but if you satisfy the eligibility criteria, you may also lease out your flat or rooms.
If you are a Singapore Citizen and your tenants fulfil specific requirements, you may lease out your entire flat. Additionally, you can rent out any extra bedrooms if you own a 3-room or larger flat. As a homeowner, you can earn additional income from your tenants’ rent payments.
You and your tenants must satisfy different eligibility requirements, including the Non-Citizen Quota for Renting Out of Flat.
Citizenship of HDB Homeowner
Renting out the HDB flat is restricted to Singapore Citizens only; Singapore Permanent Resident flat owners are prohibited from doing so.
Minimum Occupation Period (MOP)
After completing the 5-year MOP, you can lease your flat.
The MOP is calculated differently depending on the circumstances. For the original purchaser, it is based on the date of the flat purchase. If there has been a transfer of ownership or inclusion of an authorized occupier, the MOP is calculated from that date. In the case of a resale of part-share, a new MOP is required from the effective date of the resale.
Non-Citizen Quota
If you rent out your flat to a non-Malaysian non-citizen (such as a Singapore Permanent Resident or foreigner), you must consider the Non-Citizen Quota. This quota is in place to ensure a diverse mix of ethnicities in HDB estates. However, Malaysians are exempt from this quota due to their cultural and historical similarities with Singaporeans.
- The quota is set at 8% for the neighbourhood level and 11% for the block level and will only apply if the tenant renting the entire flat is a non-Malaysian non-citizen.
- Only Singaporeans and Malaysians can rent in that neighbourhood block if the quota is reached.
- This quota does not apply to renting out individual bedrooms.
Citizenship of Tenants
To rent HDB flats, individuals must fall under one of the following categories:
- Singapore Citizens
- Singapore Permanent Residents
- Non-citizens legally residing in Singapore who hold valid Employment Passes, S Passes, Work Permits, Student Passes, Dependant Passes, or Long-Term Social Visit Passes with a minimum validity period of 6 months from the date of application.
- Malaysians holding Work Permits in the construction, manufacturing, marine, and process sectors are also eligible.
- Tourists are prohibited from renting HDB flats.
- The company’s employees must fulfil the same eligibility criteria for tenants if you are leasing the flat to accommodate them.
Maximum Number of Tenants
Each flat can accommodate a maximum number of tenants as follows:
- 1-room and 2-room flats can house up to 4 tenants,
- 3-room and larger flats can accommodate up to 6 tenants.
Tenancy and Property Ownership Status
- Tenants must not be tenants of public rental HDB flats
- If tenants are owners of other HDB flats, they are:
- Divorced/ legally separated. Only one party can rent an HDB flat from another flat owner.
- Eligible to rent out their whole flat. They must rent out their own flat within a month after renting an HDB flat from another owner.
- Tenants must not own Executive Condominium units where the 5-year MOP has not been met.